Organic Coffees: the Conscious Choice

Organic Coffees: the Conscious Choice

Organic? What does the word organic actually mean? The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as “not using artificial chemicals in the growing of plants and animals for food and other products”. Speciality coffee is entering a new age in which products and methods of...
Bird-Friendly Coffee

Bird-Friendly Coffee

Bird-Friendly Coffee Did you know that the population of birds in America has fallen by 30% (3,000,000,000) since 1970? Bird-friendly coffee is here to help the cause from the outlook of the coffee world. As the coffee industry and all of its consumers up the...
A Profile of Costa Rican Coffee

A Profile of Costa Rican Coffee

Costa Rica Coffee Profile It sets the tone for the quality of Costa Rican coffee, that it is illegal to sell coffee that isn’t 100% Arabica coffee. When bad coffee is against the law, you know you’re in safe hands buying freshly roasted Costa Rican coffee...