Coffee farmers sorting cherries

Uganda Mubuku Drugar Fully-Washed Green Coffee Beans

The Uganda Mubuku Drugar Fully Washed coffee comes from the Kasese region in Western Uganda, cultivated by smallholder farmers who supply the Mubuku Washing Station.

Ugandan coffee farm

Grown at elevations of 1300-2030 meters above sea level, the coffee is harvested from October to February. This fully washed coffee offers a sweet and intricate flavor profile, featuring hints of molasses, spiced rum, and cherry. Savor the distinctive taste of this Uganda Mubuku Drugar Fully Washed coffee.

Red coffee fruits in coffee farm

Mubuku station occupies a 20-acre plot along the Mubuku River, which originates from the Upper Rwenzori's glacial caps and flows towards Lake George. The river winds through fertile farmland on the eastern slopes of the Rwenzori Mountain Range, passing by Mubuku station before reaching Lake George and the broader African Great Lakes system. Situated near Lake George, the station is adjacent to the stunning Queen Elisabeth National Park to the south.

Ugandan coffee farm

Additionally, the entrance to Rwenzori National Park is merely one kilometer away from our washing station, with both parks holding UNESCO World Heritage status. More than 4,300 farmers supply cherries to the Mubuku station, spanning a wide network of farms and communities. Farmers located far from the station may face challenges in transporting their cherries daily. To address this issue, we established a comprehensive network of Collection Sites arranged in a web-like structure extending from the washing station.

Origin: Uganda

Region: Western Uganda

Town: Kasese

Washing Station/Estate: Mubuku Washing Station

Owners: Various smallholder farmers delivering to Mubuku Washing Station Washing Station

Altitude: 1300-2030 masl

Varieties: SL14

Harvest: October – February

Processing: Fully Washed

Cupping Notes: Mollases, Spiced Rum, Cherry